Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.

Our services


At new horizon, our able staff are well trained on the values of effective communication and this enables our team to set positive moods for interactions. We, as always, listen with our ears, eyes and heart so as effectively communicate with our clients. furthermore, as a trained workforce, we are well equipped with skills to break down all activities that we engage in with our clients into series of steps so as promote positive interactions. We care, we love.


Client needs vary in nature and there is no better way than to be prepared for an all case scenario. this is our strength. Through experience and learning, our team of able staff has been well equipped with tools to support Alzheimer patients and we do this through learning, creating favourable routines planning activities as well as meeting dietary needs and promoting communication to boost self esteem. We protect the vulnerable.

End of Life Care

Life is sacred. At new horizon, we are all out sensitive, clear and timely on how we interact with our clients at this level of care. We offer person centred care, and involve the client and those important to them in decisions about their care. We offer physical comfort, mental and emotional support, observe spiritual needs and support with practical tasks. This is care.

Mental Health

At new horizon, assessment of our clients mental needs in consultation with knowledgeable mental health professional, always forms the basis of our care. This as well as establishing good communication with the patient in a language that shows consideration gives us due advantage as leaders in primary and secondary care of our patients. No assignment is too big.

Respite Care

Dependable? Yes we are. Having carefully trained and selected a compassionate team of carers, our team has moved further to ensure that our clients needs are met as and when required therefore making us available and present for both long and short stays. Always there when called upon.


At new horizon, we are about healthcare and wellbeing of those we care for. In this regard, we work closely with partners and family in the journey of recovery of our clients. We achieve this by individual assessment and person centred goal setting to improve confidence and well being. Further, we offer service delivery that enables active engagement in meaningful activities and support positive risk taking to maximise independence. We walk the talk.

Learning Disability

At new horizon , we believe that offering new solutions and being good listeners, is our strength in the support of people living with learning disability. We ensure clarity of goals and always keep things in perspective when dealing with our clients. professionally at its best.

Stroke Care

Daily rehabilitation exercise. This is what we offer our patients with stroke. We help, and go further to keep records of medication side effects if required to do so. Always by your side.

“I underestimated how hard it would be adjusting to working from home, but with Dr. Schell’s help, I was able to regain focus.”


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